Post a New Job


Please don't use all caps. Specify a single job, not a series of jobs.

Search for a country, state or city. You can add multiple locations.


Select or create custom tags.


Your logo should be at least 100 pixels wide for best results. NOTE: We won't show your logo unless you select the logo addon below.

The base cost for a job post is $10. You can also add the following addons.

Job Post Addons



Preview: $0 - $0 CAD

Please note that in many places it is illegal to not include a salary range in a job posting. For that reason, you must include some kind of salary.

Contact Information

Include either an Apply URL or an Apply Email, but not both. If you include both, only the URL will be used.

We'll direct applicants to this URL to apply.

We'll send applications to this email address. This email address won't be published.

This is where we'll send the receipt, as well as the link for editing your job post. This email address won't be published.


This won't be published, but we'd love to hear your thoughts on how we can improve.

